4-H STEM Workshops
Registration will open May 1, 2025
June 26-27, 2025
Promotional Flyer
Where: Ag Credit Building, 2nd floor conference room, 5362 US Highway 42, Mt. Gilead, OH 43338
Each class is limited to 20 youth.
Cost: For Morrow County Residents: $10 for each day the youth is attending
Out-of-county Residents: $25 for each day the youth is attending
Payment: You can either make your payment electronically at: www.go.osu.edu/morrowextensionpayment(cut and paste link into your browser) or send a check to OSU Extension - Morrow County, 5362 US HWY 42, Suite 101, Mt. Gilead, OH 43338. Make sure you put "STEM Workshop" in the item's box online or on the check you're sending.