Welcome to the Morrow County Agriculture Businesses page. This was developed to help promote local agriculture businesses in Morrow County. OSU Extension is not endorsing the businesses and their products, but rather providing a directory of businesses and products available in the county. Morrow County has a lot of businesses that many are not aware of and this directory should help get everyone's name out to the public!
If you would like your business included in the directory, select the grey box below to complete a brief survey.
Morrow County Agriculture Business Directory Registration
Morrow County Agriculture Business Directory
Six Morrow County 4-H teens traveled to Washington, D.C. to participate in the National 4-H Youth Summit for Agri-Science on March 10-13, 2022. This summit was designed for high school students to develop the skills and knowledge needed for the challenges facing agriculture, food security, and sustainability.
While at the Summit each state delegation was asked to develop a 4-H Lead to Change community action plan to implement in their community. Our youth wanted to plan an agriculture products fair for small businesses in Morrow County. These businesses will also be included in a directory that will be available on the OSU-Extension – Morrow County webpage as a resource to consumers looking for local agriculture products.
These teens presented their plan to their peers at the Summit and then submitted their plan to National 4-H to be considered for a grant to implement their plan. They did a presentation via Zoom to National 4-H and were selected to receive a $2,000 grant!
These teens along with Amanda Staley, 4-H Educator, and Kayla Carlyle, Summer Intern, will be creating the directory.
This award is presented by National 4-H Council with support from their partners – ADM, Bayer, Corteva, Nationwide, Nutrien and Saputo.